Mar 9, 2021

How can I improve my LinkedIn profile?

Should I post something to my LinkedIn profile every day? Do I add people I have never met? And should I accept invitations from people I don’t really know?

One of Scandinavia’s leading experts on LinkedIn profiles, Christoffer Bertilsson, hosted a webinar about how to improve your LinkedIn profile at our Epicenter Digital platform. Through the webinar he came up with some really interesting ideas on how to improve your LinkedIn game. Here is his five step method to a better LinkedIn profile.

1. Identify your focus!

Having clearly identified goals and a sound strategy for your LinkedIn presence, are important success factors on LinkedIn. Everything you do on LinkedIn should be based on achieving your goal, whether it is to gain new clients or find a new job. Your goals are your map to success. Without them you wouldn’t know where to go or what steps to take. The second part of this process is about getting to know your target audience and their needs.

2. Optimize your profile

Whatever your goal is on LinkedIn, your LinkedIn profile should help support that goal by creating the right impression. Having a professional presence that’s well optimized not only allows you to be found by those who are looking for someone with your expertise, but it also helps increase the success of your connection requests being accepted. When we network in “reality” we create an impression of who we are based on how we act, dress, communicate and so on. The equivalent of this in the digital world is your LinkedIn profile.

3. Find the right people

Understanding your ideal client is essential for this step to be successful. The most common way for prospecting on LinkedIn is through targeted searches. Prospecting in a LinkedIn context is about finding the people who can help you reach your goals. LinkedIn offers a great way to find prospects to connect with through the ‘Advanced Search’ function, with filters such as geographic area, title, industry and many more.

4. Build your network

As part of your LinkedIn efforts, you need to continuously work on building a quality network full of your ideal clients, partners and other industry peers. The most important advise here is to personalise the connection requests you send out to people. This will significantly increase your success on LinkedIn, as most users do not include this, meaning your invites will stand out.

5. Share content

Sharing content is essential to stay top of mind with your network. When sharing content, you goal must always be to provide value to your target audience. We recommend that you share at least one update a week.

According to Christoffer, these are the five most important steps to improving your own LinkedIn profile. Content marketing along with appropriate engagement is a really effective way to position yourself as an authority and it is essential to your lead generation success on LinkedIn.  This will position you as a reliable source of information or thought leader within your community and will further help boosting your credibility.

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