Feb 20, 2020

Increase sales with easy to use Instant ROI Platform

justyna mosek - increase sales with edrone

With headquarter in Krakow Poland, and more than 100 employees spread over 20 countries – the eCommerce System edrone, has expaned to Stockholm. And we are super happy to include them in the Epicenter Community!

Highlighting the simplicity of using edrone’s Marketing Cloud, Justyna Mosek, Country Manager edrone Sweden, believes edrone has great potential in the Swedish market. Justyna tells us that:

“edrone is super easy to use and is dedicated to eCommerce stores. And looking at other equivalent Marketing Cloud Solutions, edrone is also a more flexible option”.

She means that for any size eCommerce store, edrone’s Marketing Cloud could be a great resource to help understand customer behavior, as well as increase customer engagement. In other words, it helps increase sales.

Sounds like a product that could be useful to you? Make sure to continue reading this post because Justyna has an offer to eStores interested in trying out their Marketing Cloud.

360 Marketing Cloud for eCommerce

Justyna explains that the edrone Marketing Cloud is built on two Sections. First of all, there’s the learning section, which is all about getting customer insights. Advanced behavior statistics, to a detailed view for each and every client is offered within the system.

Secondly, the second pillar – Engagement, allows you to use gathered knowledge directly to communicate with your customers. You are able to set up the communication manually. Or use the already set up templates.

With customers such as Lancerto and Tous in the portfolio. Justyna and the rest of the team are now ready to take on Swedish eStores. Justyna says:

“Businesses that have used edrone, were able to increase their sales between 5% and 20% on average”.

Want to try edrone?

For a limited time, Justyna now offers a free 2-month test of edrone’s Marketing Cloud to the first two eStores that sign up. The only requirement is that your platform is based on a technology integrated with edrone. This could for example be Magento, PrestaShop or WooCommerce. Check out edrones website for some more details. Sounds interesting? Please email Justyna Mosek at j.mosek@getedrone.com. She guarantees instant satisfaction and increase in sales!

And lastly, we also want to wish Justyna a warm welcome to the Epicenter Community. It will be exciting to follow your growth in the Swedish market. Stay tuned for more Epicenter member stories!

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