january, 2020
25jan(jan 25)13:0030(jan 30)23:59Summary of Epicenter 5 Year Anniversary Week
Event Details
So much has happened in the past 5 years! And this will of course not go by without serious celebrations. Below follows a summary of the different happenings connected to
Event Details
So much has happened in the past 5 years! And this will of course not go by without serious celebrations. Below follows a summary of the different happenings connected to the Anniversary. Also! Make sure to sign up to each of the events!
💥Epicenter Member Family Day on January 25 | 13:00-16:00. GO TO EVENT.
💥Founder Story, Member Success Stories & Disruptive Panel | January 30th | 15:30-17:00 GO TO EVENT.
💥Anniversary Party | January 30th | 17:00-late. If you have not received an invitation to the Anniversary Party – No worries, let the Service Team know and they’ll help you out!
Stay tuned for more happenings! Looking forward to this!
25 (Saturday) 13:00 - 30 (Thursday) 23:59
Epicenter Stockholm
Malmskillnadsgatan 44A