Aug 28, 2024

Get to know our members: Apphuset

Welcome to the “fire round” – our series where we shine a light on the talented individuals and businesses in our community. Each member spotlight offers an opportunity to celebrate our community’s success stories and get to know our members a little better. 

Next up is Apphuset –  a Norwegian company that specializes in software and service design and development, as well as cloud solutions for companies looking to transform. They now have more than 115 talents within digital consultancy, design and development – and, of course, they are a valued member of the Epicenter community.Let´s explore more about Apphuset: 


What is Apphuset?
We’re an experienced software development partner, delivering end-to-end design and development teams for enterprises, SMB’s and scaleups.

Why was it founded?
To meet the increased demand for help with product development and digital transformation in organization

What is one thing that your company does that you think is unique in your industry?
Local product ownership and experienced technical project managers work as a bridge to an international pool of design and development talent 

Why did you choose Epicenter?
Epicenter came off as a professional playground that suited our ambitions well. From day one they showed a genuine eagerness to facilitate and create success stories amongst their members 

What is the best piece of advice you’ve received at work?
“Don’t sell, just start helping people” 

If your workday had a theme song, what would it be?
Sweet disposition 

Do you want to know more about Apphuset? feel free to check out their website

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Get to know our members: Apphuset

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Get to know our members: Christoffer Omberg

Welcome to the “fire round” - our series where we shine a light on the talented individuals and businesses in our community. Each member spotlight offers an opportunity to celebrate our community’s success stories and…

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