
How to build a brand with limited resources

This 90-minute session is specifically designed to serve small businesses and start-ups who are trying to build a brand, create an impact and thrive in the current climate.

With the challenges that COVID-19 has created, small businesses have lost a lot of their organic networking and customer acquisition channels, lost clients and had to pause any expensive or ambitious marketing activities. This webinar takes them through proven time-efficient and cost-efficient techniques so that they can not just survive but thrive and continue to make an impact.

The session will cover:
– The PMM formula – the foundation for sustainable business
– Building brand identity (simplified for non-marketers)
– Identifying and reaching your customers
– Social media on a lean budget
– Mega-trends to follow and leverage for business growth
– DIY Brand Building techniques for solopreneurs and small teams

Link to worksheet: https://www.kybcourse.com/worksheets

Office Hours Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88427474132?pwd=b1lJT3M1VVpZSUJ6VGM3VlVDSldpZz09
Meeting ID: 884 2747 4132
Passcode: 824497