
6000+ members, 500+ companies

Available now

Detailed Description:

  • Number of members depending on your membership level.
  • Bookable meeting room hours per month depending on your membership level.
  • Access: 24/7 with your own keys
  • Community events: Involve your employees and clients in all of our inspirational community events and networking (roughly 45 per year)
  • Your own event experience: With the help of our experienced event production team, you can use our event spaces for your customer activities/breakfasts and/or product launches, seminars, Hackathons, etc with member prices.
  • Leadership meet up’s: Access to innovative discussions with industry decision-makers.
  • High table dinners: Member company leaders get invited to exclusive dinners and networking sessions.
  • Member Benefits: As a member, you’ll get access to our house gym with PT and Pilates classes, and concierge services plus you get discounts with the hotels, restaurants, and services we have deals with
  • Free coffee, tea, mineral water


Kysy hintaa
Tarjoa työntekijöillesi paikka työskennellä ja verkostoitua eläväisessä Helsingin ydinkeskustassa. Corporate-jäsenyytemme on tarkoitettu suuremmille yrityksille, jotka etsivät joustavaa työtilaa pääkonttorin jatkeeksi Helsingin ydinkeskustassa. Jäsenyys sisältää sovitun lukumäärä päiväpasseja ja neuvotteluhuoneaikaa tiimillesi.

With a membership, you'll tap into all the Epicenter benefits

Why Epicenter?

At Epicenter you get to meet cool and ambitious companies in the start-up and scale-up phase, as well as corporates. By offering you a variety of memberships and office solutions, as well as community events, Epicenter is the perfect arena for companies that aim to innovate and grow in an ecosystem of game changers.

Not what you were looking for?

We have memberships and workspaces to suit any need. All our solutions come with a bunch of benefits and great facilities. Make sure to check out all our memberships and solutions to find what suits you and you company the best.

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