Aktarr’s work essential for Arabic-speaking Swedes

Did you know that one of the largest news platforms in Sweden is translating news from Swedish to Arabic? The site is called Aktarr and reaches over 300,000 Arabic-speaking people in Sweden every month. Not only are Aktarr members of Epicenter, they have also come to play an important role in creating an inclusive society in Sweden. In Corona times however, Aktarr’s work has reached a whole new level of importance. Ola Ahlvarsson, chairman of the board, expresses the crucial part Aktarr holds during the pandemic.

It is not only a matter of democracy, but also a question of health, life and death for the almost 8% of Arabic-speaking Swedes.

Aktarr helping the authorities to translate

For people who doesn’t speak Swedish, it has been difficult to both find and understand information about the Coronavirus. As a consequence, many have turned to Social Media for answers where rumors and misleading information has been circulating.

As a solution, Aktarr is now offering authorities to translate information on Covid-19 into Arabic. So what does this mean? Well, the Public Health Authority and government organizations are able to reach a broader public with important updates on the Coronavirus. Kotada Yonus, founder and CEO of Aktarr recognize this.

It is important to realize that Sweden is a multicultural country and it is our duty to help by making information easily accessible for all Swedes.

Aktarr has a long-term sponsorship and collaboration with Kronans Apotek to provide relevant information about health for the Arabic speaking community in Sweden. As a result, we have gained many insights and lots of knowledge in how to communicate health-related information.

Reaching a large community

Looking at the demand and reach on Aktarr’s platforms, gives a perspective of how important this initiative is. Just to give some examples

  • Since March 10, people with questions around Corona has increased from 18,200 to 45,300 to 68,066 daily on Aktarr’s website.
  • On their platform alone 50,000 readers ask for information on Corona, and more than 320,000 who actively follow.
  • In only a week’s time, their reach in Facebook was a total of 1.1 million readers. And also 799,400 interactions related to Corona.
  • When translating Stefan Lövéns speech, they reached 64,576 people, followed by 15,167 interactions.

Well done Kotada and the team at Aktarr for being so quick to respond to the demand for information related to Corona in Arabic. Very proud to have you in the Epicenter family!

Communication in times of crisis

What is appropriate to communicate in times of crisis? The question keep popping up and many B2B marketers are today faced with the same challenge. Pretending like nothing has happened doesn’t exactly seem like the way to go, but just shutting all marketing down doesn’t either. To get some clarity in this question, we have turned to some really good friends within the Epicenter community. B2B marketing guru; Sophie Hedestad and Social Media Marketing expert; Sofia Vinsa will in this post give us their recommendations on communication in times of crisis.

How is Social Media affected by Corona?

Sofia Vinsa, Project Director SocialView

All around the world, we now see companies and people changing their behavior as a result of Covid-19. These changes have also affected the social media platforms and the way we use them.

Cooler advertising climate and increased need for educational and value-based communication

The digital presence in social media has increased lately due to the change of the public behavior. Many people are working on remote and are therefore more available on social media where they are discussing the financial and health effects from the pandemic. While people starting to increase their activities online companies completely stripped their marketing efforts.

From my perspective, this means that right now there are opportunities to communicate at a cheaper price and at the same time building a stronger relationship with your customers. Consider how you as a company can adapt your business and communication in times of crisis, if you stop, you can be sure that your competitors will start to communicate in your place. But if you are communicating, focus on value such as your company’s opinion and services/products that are adapted to the reality we are in right now – focus on value, not sales.

What are the possible future scenarios?

It is impossible to predict how long the pandemic will stay. But independent on timeframe I would recommend companies to take ownership of the situation. Many companies are currently paralyzed and are shutting down all their marketing efforts and also pausing operational business, which will harm them in the long run. And since we don’t know how long this climate will last it is a high risk to put everything on hold. Everything you do now will reflect the entire brand once you come out of the crisis. It is important that you now more than ever reach out and help people in their current situations and use your marketing activities to do so.

What are your tips for B2B marketers today?

Sophie Hedestad, CMO Netigate, Founder of Mentor XY, Podcast Host: #KommuniceraMERA

What better person to ask this question than Sophie Hedestad? She both has a very relevant experience from B2B marketing, as well as a broad network within the field. Her opinion on the subject is definitely food for thought! Sophie says:

Now, during Corona times, every company that is promoting or talking about something else has misinterpreted the situation. Either you create reports, online events and content around the topic. If not, you strategize and plan for the future.

Are you serious enough? In the time of climate changes and Corona companies need a purpose. That is also what the future workforce wants to work with, companies that contributes to something bigger.

This is also the perfect time for introspection. Ask yourself questions such as; Have you been working with things that really moves the needle? What can you do differently going forward? There is no time or resources to waste. As the crisis will pass everyone needs to dig in where it is needed and contribute.

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Avy’s free app version supporting solidarity

When a crisis hits there’s no such thing as business as usual. Focus and priorities across society changes, and the market landscape becomes reliable on both individuals and companies will to do good. In these situations, it’s up to each and every company to quickly adapt to the new situation. As a response to the spread of the Coronavirus, some businesses have really proven how flexible and agile they are. And Epicenter member Avy, can definitely count themselves as one of these businesses.

Avy works towards the real estate industry. As Corona hit the Nordics, property owners were facing a new type of challenge. Self-isolation among many of the 2,2 million people living in apartment buildings today. On top of that, about 20% of Sweden’s population is above 65 years old, making them extra exposed and vulnerable to the virus.

Avy sees a more prominent need for digital tools for property owners

The real estate industry is not famous for being ahead in terms of digitalization. Handwritten notes from property owners in the stairwell is an example of that. In these times of crisis, we also see neighbours reaching out – offering to help with grocery shopping or even dog walking, also by notes in the elevator or stairwell.

If we summarize the situation, there are concerned property owners, people in risk groups isolated in their homes. And at the same there are neighbours that are willing to help out. All that seems to be missing is a more effective way than notes in the elevator to connect these groups.

Figured out where Avy comes in yet?

App scaling up solidarity among neighbours and property owners

After working day and night the past 2 weeks with tweaking their app to make the on-boarding process quicker and without the need of any integration, Avy have now introduced a free version of their digital tool for property owners and their tenants during the crisis. Mikaela Svefors, Co-founder of Avy says:

”In this adapted version of the app, free for all property owners during the crisis, we allow for matching neighbours who need help with other neighbours who are willing to help out. It also allows property owners to reach out with their communication a lot faster, without having to run around in the buildings putting up notes”.

The property owners are able to use the Avy app to have a good communication channel, but it’s also a tool for neighbors to be able to help each other. Offer a neighbour to walk the dog, or take turns to watch the kids currently home from school; all of that can be facilitated within the app.

A hands-on solution to a problem arising just over night, and also a tool to support solidarity in society. Well done Avy!

Property owners – here’s your chance

The brilliant team at Avy are now reaching out to property owners in Sweden, offering them this service free of charge. And Mikaela says it will be available as long as Corona has a solid grip on people’s everyday life. Lastly, for all property owners – this is great opportunity to show your ability to adapt to rapid change. And most importantly; showcase your will to do good.

There’s been several articles on Avy’s free app, we’ve gather some of them here:

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8 Tips to build trust in your team

Why is change so stressful? And why do a million people working here in Sweden feel uncomfortable at work? In her recent lunchtime masterclass at Epicenter Stockholm, renowned business writer and speaker Karin Zingmark explained how it all comes down to trust – or a lack of. In these very unique times, when the entire working environment changed just over night – this is more relevant than ever. Missed the session? Don’t worry. Here’s your chance to catch up.

Next time you’re in a change situation, keep your eyes and ears peeled. Spot any strange behaviours creeping in? Are people becoming more protective? Excluding others? Taking credit for success that wasn’t theirs? If you’ve noticed these shifts, you’re not alone, reassures Speaker of the Year nominee Karin Zingmark.

Why change changes everything

Few of us are naturally comfortable with change. After all, it can make us feel threatened, questioned, even insecure. Karin reminds us of the classic Maslow model, showing how our need to feel safe is only one step up from our most basic physiological demands. So when business or organisational change is on the agenda, our core behaviours often change, too. And as Karin points out, that’s rarely for the better.

In fact, when fear-induced behaviours creep into an organisation, three things happen according to research by Christine Porath, professor at the McDonough School of Business. First, we intentionally decrease productivity by up to 48%. Then, we let quality slide. And finally, we waste an incredible amount of time and effort discussing what has gone so wrong. “It’s business’ biggest energy thief” Karin explains, detracting focus and efforts from getting behind driving what really matters.

But how can leaders bring about positive change without breeding these bad behaviours? Karin says it starts with walking the talk about trust.

The business case for trust

When teams are built on trust, there’s less scope for change-based fear. She acknowledges it might feel like a soft value to some. Yet there’s no denying the impact on the bottom line: teams reporting high levels of trust experience less stress, higher productivity, more energy, higher engagement and a staggering 40% fewer burnout cases according to research done by Paul J. Zack, professor at the Claremont Graduate University.

So how can we, as leaders, proactively build trust in our teams? Karin shares 8 ways to do this.

  1. Recognise excellence
    The secret here is to act at the right time. Don’t wait ’til that monthly meeting or company away day. Give praise when and where it’s due. And make sure everyone hears, and celebrates the success together.
  2. Induce challenged stress
    Prove your trust in your team’s abilities by setting challenges that grow both skills and confidence. If you believe they can rise to the task, so will they.
  3. Don’t micromanage
    Nothing undermines trust like helicopter-style leadership, so empower your teams to get on with the task unaided. One watch out from Karin: try not to confuse helping out with taking over.
  4. Enable job crafting
    Spot people’s passion for different aspects of their job and hunt for ways to let those skills flourish.
  5. Share information broadly
    Do you push information out – or actually communicate? When people aren’t in a receiving mindset, misunderstandings – and doubt – are much more likely, says Karin.
  6. Invest time in relationships
    To erase misunderstandings, distrust or disconnection, you need to spend time together recommends Karin. Get out of town. Hang out as a team. Get to know each other as people as well as colleagues.
  7. Facilitate whole-person growth
    Leaders who can see both the personal and professional needs of their team earn trust more easily than those with a more one-dimensional view. Try it!
  8. Be vulnerable!
    Dare to admit you don’t have all the answers. Be ok with taking risks. Show you’re infallibly human, encourages Karin. It’s your trust-building superpower; trust yourself to use it.

Which of these 8 tips will you try first? Thanks to Karin for inspiring and guiding our lunchtime talk, and be sure to check out her latest management best-seller ‘Maxa Modet’. Today when leadership skills are tested to its maximum, these are truly valuable insights.

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How are different industries affected by Corona?

For this article, we’ve talked to some of the brilliant Epicenter members and friends to get a better picture of the situation in their respective industry. Future scenarios, current status, as well as tips on how to move forward will be touched upon. For example cryptocurrencies drops of over 50 % and an increased need for digital tools in the real estate industry.

What’s happening within cryptocurrency today? How is your industry affected by the Coronavirus?

Frank Schuil, CEO, Co Founder and Board Member at Safello

With the outbreak in Europe the overall cryptocurrency market responded by seeing a huge sell off. Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies alike saw drops of over 50% in the span of a week. This is likely the result of traditional firms offloading their perceived risky assets. Today (18/3/2020) is the first day where we saw the market crash while the cryptocurrency market remained stable. Going forward we can anticipate three scenarios:

The market…:

  1. …recovers and cryptocurrency bounces back with it.
  2. …further tanks and cryptocurrencies tank along with it.
  3. …further tanks but the financial system is distressed and cryptocurrencies strive.

The third scenario is what cryptocurrencies were originally designed for and what we have seen in countries like Venezuela. In response to hyperinflation the demand for Bitcoin (and it’s price sky rocketed). The real break of trend should be followed not in this initial response, but on the longer term trend. I’ve described this in my recent Medium post.

What’s happening in the commercial real estate industry right now?

Victor Karlsson Co-Founder Propstreet

In the commercial real estate industry, all asset classes will see a negative effect. Retail and hotel vendors will suffer most due to decreased consumption and tourism. We expect the transaction volume to slow down due to a more uncertain future. Some investors believe in a “catch-up effect” in Q3 2020.

Commercial real estate is one of the largest and most important asset classes, but also one of the least technologized. Lately, I have received plenty of questions of what digital tools people should use to keep their business running. This is hopefully bad wake-up call that digital tools are important.

What are Aktarr reader’s main concerns today? What information are they looking for?

Kotada Yonus, Founder & CEO at Aktarr / Diversity Advisor at the startup house of Malmö Minc

We have been witnessing around 100k new readers. These readers are searching for all kinds of information. Families are for example worrying about the mental health of their children and how they should talk to them. Small startups and businesses are asking how they can access government fundings and many other kinds. But the one thing that unites all these readers, is that they are feeling very lost. Not just the Covid19 but also the lack of information in Arabic from the authorities. Therefore we started a new theme in our platform called Covid19 Sweden, and we are transiting all Infos we can from MSB, 1177, and folkhalsomyndigheten.

It’s an interesting time that I am sure we will go fine after it, and we learn a big lesson about how information critical, especially now when it’s about life and death for many people.

What role does leadership play today to help organisations through?

Karin Zingmark, Strategic advisor, Author, Speaker, CEO at Zingmark Consulting

Communication has always been crucial to good leadership, but today more than ever. Communication in the sense of being present, opening up for dialogue, taking the human perspective and enforcing trust. Remember to stick to your WHY and your values. They create a sense of belonging, and create clarity on your targets and goals which might need to be revisited depending on how hard Corona has affected you. Initiate daily check- ins using the video function, afternoon coffee-breaks with the teams online and possibly also joint lunch breaks, and use the time spent together to build stronger teams. Because a crisis can actually strengthen you, if it’s done right. And remember – this too shall pass.

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How to survive Corona as a startup

The outbreak of the Coronavirus has not exactly been good news for startup companies across the world. These are difficult times and the upcoming weeks and months will tell us more about which businesses will make it. Many startups find themselves in the midst of a defining moment and what they choose to do, or not do will have a huge impact on their future.

Within the Epicenter community, there are several serial entrepreneurs, change makers and thought leaders. They both have insights, knowledge and ideas if what businesses can do to survive the Coronavirus. In this blogpost, we get the perspective from an entrepreneur and a VC expert. For any startup reading this – we hope this can serve as a guideline to assist you in making the best possible decisions.

What can startups do to make it through this difficult time?

Mahesh Kumar CEO Result

Companies during such pressing times need strong & open leadership more than ever before. While I have some experience of being part of a startup when the 2009 financial crisis happened, the incident with Covid 19 is truly a black swan where the general population is in panic mode. After speaking to different founders that we work with, here are 3S principles that I recommend to founders of scaleups that are having it hard right now.

Survive: To survive, you need to understand your actual runway. It is safe to assume that new sales will dry up or take much more time than you think. Most governments have introduced some sort of welfare package for small companies to save taxes to be paid on employee costs to ease the burden. But don’t be too emotional to reduce your overhead costs.

Strengthen: This is a great time to revisit your whole business model architecture to understand how can you create building blocks to become stronger. For instance, one of the companies we work with are innovating on their sales by moving their whole stack to webinars & online marketing.

Scale: As quoted in the famous Indian scriptures “This too shall pass”. Maybe this situation would last for 12-18 months or maybe it gets better post-summer. Irrespective you will survive to find ways to scale your business. Maybe it won’t be exactly as you anticipated but hang in there.

We are planning on a founders hotline with partners & VCs that would be able to offer clarity, help, networks and anything they can to help. If you would be interested, you can send more info here.

What’s Telia Ventures advice to startups today?

Ebba Lilliehöök Investment Manager at Telia Ventures

In times like these startups should, like all accountable companies, take good care of their personnel; let people work from home and avoid unnecessary in-person meetings. The business is very likely to be affected by changes in the underlying market as we expect every startup’s customer in any business segment to be impacted. A startup’s ability to adjust and respond to those changes will be a necessity. At Telia Ventures, we will work with our portfolio companies to help them to go through these challenging times and leave stronger.

Key takeaways

In conclusion: First you need to understand your runway. Then take this time to revisit your whole business model. Most governments have introduced some sort of welfare package make sure to check these out. Also remember be patient and to take advantage of the flexibility of being a startup.

Stay connected and tune in for more articles on the subject in the Epicenter blog.

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